
Showing posts with the label #amqp

Implementation of Nameko (microservercies) (pub/sub)

  Communication of nameko service with non nameko services over amqp protocol using pub/sub design pattern. Nowadays  in micro services we are  using different types of technologies to develop micro services and all the services communicate through the message broker like Rabbitmq. For example you have some micro services in Microsoft dotnet grpc or any other services that communicate with each other  on rabbitmq and you want that service in nameko project . In this article we will try to implement a basic  pub/sub pattern using nameko that will communicate to other services . you can receive and push a message to non nameko services on rabbitmq In this example we will listen to the queue . any message will received by  queue  ,  we will pass this  message to other service then we will publish it to other exchange and queue where  other non nameko service can listen  Code: from nameko.messaging import consume from nameko.messaging import Publisher